
Mixed planting package

Item number: 408

Status: In stock

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Planting package for potted and epiphytic orchids. Contents:
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4.050 HUF
  • Genus:
  • -
  • Delivery time:
  • 5 munkanap

Planting package for potted and epiphytic orchids. Contents:

1 piece 4 liter Hochwertiges planting medium
4 pieces transparent 12 cm plastic orchid pots
1 piece Hochwertiges orchid medium
4 pieces of 12 x 7 x 2 cm cork blocks

A cork block is a block pressed from small pieces of cork and charcoal. Lightweight, airy texture, air roots quickly stick to their surface and are easy to drill through.

The 12 cm diameter plastic orchid tile is light permeable, ensuring that light also reaches the orchid roots directly, as is customary in their natural habitat.

The 100 ml Hochwertiges orchid and tillandsia nutrient solution is an excellent quality plant food. It contains 9% nitrogen, 8% phosphorus, 8% potassium oxide, as well as molybdenum, copper, magnesium, iron, manganese, zincnet, peptides and various amino acids.

Hochwertiges orchid planting medium is an extremely high quality lumpy orchid planting medium. (One liter of planting medium is roughly enough for four 12 orchid pots.) Contents:

Medium-grained bark: ensures the aeration and acidic pH of the planting medium.

Sphagnum moss: its ability to retain moisture is excellent, it can absorb ten times its own weight, it gradually releases moisture. It softens and acidifies the stored water, making it more usable for the plant and ensuring the moisture of the planting medium.

Charcoal: it contains essential trace elements for growth, as well as it can bind many harmful substances, thus preventing the rapid rot and rot of the planting medium. It has a healing effect, charcoal-coated wound surfaces heal faster. Thanks to its spongy structure, it also stores air and moisture.

Coconut fiber: good water retention.

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