4 + 1 tips on how to keep orchids outdoors at the summer
jún. 21.

4 + 1 tips on how to keep orchids outdoors at the summer

 Do not expose the orchids to a blazing sun

Orchids do not tolerate the scorching sun well. It is important that although they like to live in a bright place, keep them only outdoors with partial or full shade. If there is a bigger tree in the garden that gives enough shade, we can even hang them, which can sometimes be a very spectacular garden decoration (especially when our orchids are in bloom). If you have a shady or scattered bright spot, you only need to pay attention to a few things.



If possible, water them in the morning

If we are not lucky enough to have rain at dawn or in the morning, water the orchids kept outdoors in the morning. They also evaporate more outdoors and need more water for longer days. Of course, even in this case, they cannot stand in water, and even in this case, it is important to avoid water left over from the plant flavors in the dark of the night (so we water preferably in the morning).

Keep the snails away

The biggest enemy of orchids "vacationing" outdoors is the snail. Try to keep them away from orchids (there are many different gardening practices for this) and if you notice them on the plant you will quickly pick them up and move them to the base of a bush or other neutral place away from the orchids.



Add a little more nutrients

In this case, warm and intense growth puts the same strain on the plant as abundant flowering, so give your favorite plants orchid fertilizer a little more often than usual or a little more than usual. They will thank you and it will not only be good for the plant but of course for us too - because if it is good for orchids then it is also good for orchid lovers!

Planting medium "tunning"

Different orchids prefer different planting media, but in general, most orchid planting media can be "turbocharged" with something in mind - for summer outdoor storage. Examples of such materials are Sphagnum moss, Seramis, pumice stone or New Zealand fern root.

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